Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Today, Tuesday, 08/04/2008.

I am here in my father's office. Waiting for his discussion end. How frustration!! I looking somewhere everywhere in this room hopefully there's an interesting activities that i ought to do. But, there isnt. I go around by myself as his office was so big, every furniture i looked into, every chair I sit and sometime felt sleepy. Lastly, i decided to on a computer and surfed the internet. i visited yahoo, analytic google, friendster, deviantart, and others for one hour, suddently i moved my bare eyes below the desktop and found an icon named MIRC.

MIRC is a platform used to chat between nation or region. I clicked on it and its application appeared. I thought i wanna use my real name, but an idea came into my mind of imagination. i decided to be a teenage girl which her name was liza86 and let someone began say Hi. It's about 2 hour since beginning. 43 guys and counting were in poor list . Their hope to chat with a girl were in my experiment. The Project named was " IS IT WOMEN REALLY ATTRACT MEN"

It shows that men is fastinating with woman eventhough there isnt woman there. Think about it. So women is attractfull. I never say NO.

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